Nationaal Veteraan Treffen 2015?

Questions and answers about Mobylette in English
Berichten: 8
Lid geworden op: 30 sep 2014, 10:04

Nationaal Veteraan Treffen 2015?

Ongelezen bericht door bob » 27 jan 2015, 10:03

Hi Guys, Just wondering if your forum is arranging anything for Nationaal Veteraan Treffen 2015. We had a great time last year, would love to come again also have some new bikes to show you. Best Regards Bob.

Berichten: 4620
Lid geworden op: 09 feb 2010, 14:02
Locatie: Rotterdam

Re: Nationaal Veteraan Treffen 2015?

Ongelezen bericht door MobyJoost » 27 jan 2015, 19:52

Hi Bob, we have nothing concrete planned, but i think all of us positive about a repeat. And off course you're welcome! Don't know about Shaun. Like you, he dissapeared from the British forum. I have no idea why. since you're a member of this forum, i'll make sure to keep you posted through private messages.

Berichten: 8
Lid geworden op: 30 sep 2014, 10:04

Re: Nationaal Veteraan Treffen 2015?

Ongelezen bericht door bob » 27 jan 2015, 21:09

Yes Joost I have spoken to Shaun he is also interested in attending this year Regards Bob

Berichten: 4620
Lid geworden op: 09 feb 2010, 14:02
Locatie: Rotterdam

Re: Nationaal Veteraan Treffen 2015?

Ongelezen bericht door MobyJoost » 27 jan 2015, 21:55

Great! If you speak to him again, say hallo from me.

Berichten: 6483
Lid geworden op: 04 feb 2010, 19:22
Woonplaats: Rijk van Nijmegen

Re: Nationaal Veteraan Treffen 2015?

Ongelezen bericht door MobyJet » 28 jan 2015, 14:18

Hi Bob!

The date is 26-27-28 September 2015
I will make a reservation on the same camp site, I think about june/july.
And we will organise a little more, for example a general barbecue or something and shouwer coins :P

The planning will be the same:
friday at the camp side
saturday the event with cheese ride
sunday our own ride
(and if you want to, you can stay till monday or later)

Hope to see you all again! Great you were there!


Berichten: 8
Lid geworden op: 30 sep 2014, 10:04

Re: Nationaal Veteraan Treffen 2015?

Ongelezen bericht door bob » 28 jan 2015, 21:30

Thanks MobyJet, Fantastic!!! am looking forward to this. Kind regards Bob

Berichten: 63
Lid geworden op: 18 okt 2013, 00:49

uk mobylette forum get together 19-21 june 2015

Ongelezen bericht door moby54 » 03 feb 2015, 11:45

dear jet as promised,we now have the dates for our uk mobylette forum gathering,its the 19-21st of june at the bubble car museum,boston lincolnshire,england,we have had quiet a good response up to now from our uk forum members, the site does offer showers/shop/toilets ect,so if any of your forum members wish to join us on these dates,you are more than welcome to do so, think joost was going to attend but as prior engagements with a colleague of his,[brithday i think] should you or any dutch forum member require any further information on this event lpease dont hesitate to pm,or any other of your ;) forum members kind regards john, ENGLAND

Berichten: 5120
Lid geworden op: 05 apr 2010, 20:40
Woonplaats: Helmond

Re: Nationaal Veteraan Treffen 2015?

Ongelezen bericht door Harrie » 03 feb 2015, 17:51

Next year, when taking a week off is no problem, I shall certainly consider to join your promissing event, lads!
This year I'm organizing a ride in the Netherlands on Sunday.


Berichten: 63
Lid geworden op: 18 okt 2013, 00:49

Re: Nationaal Veteraan Treffen 2015?

Ongelezen bericht door moby54 » 06 feb 2015, 13:03

Harrie schreef:Next year, when taking a week off is no problem, I shall certainly consider to join your promissing event, lads!
This year I'm organizing a ride in the Netherlands on Sunday.

dear harrie thanks for your kind reply for our june 19/21st 2015,thougth that as our european colleagues,it would only be right and proper to invite you to this event,as its the first one we have done here in the uk,best regards john england,

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