uk mobylette forum gathering 19/21st june 2015

Questions and answers about Mobylette in English
Berichten: 5120
Lid geworden op: 05 apr 2010, 20:40
Woonplaats: Helmond

Re: uk mobylette forum gathering 19/21st june 2015

Ongelezen bericht door Harrie » 03 dec 2016, 17:40

Hi Members,
I don't think the absolute quantity of well-powered mobylettes is the problem, but the fact that most people are trapped in a system of wage slavery and personal obligations.
I used to avoid this partly by choosing jobs in the field of education.
A more serious problem is the large gap between the actual technical state of the average mobylette and its required condition. People, wisely, don't dare to face this challenge. Yet, you can make it all easier by driving to Wright by car and with some spare mobylettes in a truck.
Finally the number of people, that is able or willing to organise such a run to a foreign country is awfully limited, too.
Many people just enjoy restoring mobylettes, but riding on it more than one hour is not their cup of tea.
I guess you are right, when assuming only a few people from the continent will reach Wright.

Berichten: 4620
Lid geworden op: 09 feb 2010, 14:02
Locatie: Rotterdam

Re: uk mobylette forum gathering 19/21st june 2015

Ongelezen bericht door MobyJoost » 09 dec 2016, 21:27

There are now two possibble weekends for this gettogether on the Isle of White. Weekend of the 3rd of june, or the weekend of the 10th of june. There's a campsite that will have us mobymaniacs and it looks like a beautiful place. ( ) If anybody's interested, let it be known here. Don't wait too long.

Er zijn nu twee mogelijke weekends voor dit samenzijn op The Isle Of White, Het weekend van 3 juni en het weekend van 10 juni. Er is een camping die ons Mobymaniakken wel wil ontvangen en die ziet er wel aantrekkelijk uit ( ). Laat hier weten, als je interesse hebt, maar wacht niet te lang.

Berichten: 63
Lid geworden op: 18 okt 2013, 00:49

Re: uk mobylette/raleigh forum 2/3/4th june 2017

Ongelezen bericht door moby54 » 22 mar 2017, 02:41

hello dutch colleagues, as some of you maybe aware, we are holding another uk mobylette/raleigh forum meet in headcorn in kent in the south of england, on the 2/3/4/th of june 2017,should any of you like to attend please use our uk forum and post graham [cb1] or contact mobyjoost on here and he will give you the details, we are expecting another good turnout,then on the 7/8/9 july we are holding another EACC/MOBYLETTE/ RALEIGH FORUM MEET, in the north of england, this also should be a good turnout of mopeds and autocycles,should anyone wish to attend this event, contact me through the mobylette uk forum or contact mobyjoost and he will i imagine post the interest from dutch forum members [regards john EACC/ SECTION ROTHERHAM SOUTH YORKSHIRE ENGLAND] 8-)

Berichten: 501
Lid geworden op: 27 mar 2015, 22:33
Locatie: Arnhem

Re: uk mobylette forum gathering 19/21st june 2015

Ongelezen bericht door MarcovdB » 22 mar 2017, 14:25

Headcorn? In stead of I o White? Better for me logistically but I was hoping to visit the Isle! Still not sure if my MB is driveable around that time but I still are attending to come!

Berichten: 63
Lid geworden op: 18 okt 2013, 00:49

Re: uk mobylette forum gathering 19/21st june 2015

Ongelezen bericht door moby54 » 24 mar 2017, 02:57

ok sixty fruits, you will enjoy yourself :D :D if you can make the trip and some good old british hospitality,

Berichten: 63
Lid geworden op: 18 okt 2013, 00:49

mobylette uk forum rally 13/14/15th july 2018 kent england

Ongelezen bericht door moby54 » 11 feb 2018, 03:09

hi fellow dutch forum colleagues, we are having another rally down in the s/east of england in headcorn kent,this year on the 13/14//15th july 2018 this will be open to all autocycle/moped owners club members or not,so we once again are opening up this event to our european colleagues,so should any of you wish to join us,you will be made more than welcome,camping is available,[this is also posted on our uk forum site the motobecane/mobylette forum uk,the person you will need to contact on the uk forum is graham cb1,and he will give you the details, failing that contact mobyjoost and he will assist you with any help you may need,[best regards john ROTHERHAM ROAMERS NORTHERN SECTION OF THE EAST ANGLIAN CCYCLEMOTOR CLUB ENGLAND] 8-)

Berichten: 6483
Lid geworden op: 04 feb 2010, 19:22
Woonplaats: Rijk van Nijmegen

Re: uk mobylette forum gathering 19/21st june 2015

Ongelezen bericht door MobyJet » 11 feb 2018, 11:01

Thanks John for inviting us.

I really really want to come someday!

This year isn't possible for me. Hopefully next time, with a group of people from here.

Did you see the topic of our meeting? Save the date!

Berichten: 3532
Lid geworden op: 07 sep 2017, 14:47
Woonplaats: Helmond

Re: uk mobylette forum gathering 19/21st june 2015

Ongelezen bericht door PantinNL » 11 feb 2018, 13:01

Hello John,
This date is far much better for me than the first week of June: Sars Poteries event in France!
As the distance for Dutch and Belgium people is limited compared to a start from Edinburgh, I consider riding from the south of The Netherlands to Kent by mobylette. My better half may need our car for her job and of course riding is more challenging.
Actually it's simpler to lay on: "Just saddle up your mobylette and go west boy!"
I know, most people see just clouds on the horizon; moreover for England you need a strong and reliable mobylette. My estimation is approximately 2-3 continental participants. More perhaps? Seeing is believing!

Berichten: 3532
Lid geworden op: 07 sep 2017, 14:47
Woonplaats: Helmond

Re: uk mobylette forum gathering 19/21st june 2015

Ongelezen bericht door PantinNL » 11 feb 2018, 15:52

Oh dear,
On the 15th of July I already have an appointment with a group of old friends.
Every year one of us gets the obligation to organise this yearly event.
Funny, every year is totally different,because of the change of theme and location.
Moreover it's more or less forbidden to speak all the time about the past.
Otherwise it would be a repeating boring obligation with the same old stories. It's also forbidden to speak more than 5 minutes about grand children or mopeds. . . .
Anyway it's obvious: Regrettably, I cannot join the Kent meeting,

Berichten: 63
Lid geworden op: 18 okt 2013, 00:49

Re: uk mobylette forum gathering 19/21st june 2015

Ongelezen bericht door moby54 » 25 feb 2018, 04:15

ok henk its no problem i know myself what other commitments can cause,its looking like our june rally in yorkshire england is now gathering momentum,fully some velosolex riders attending,just got to hope we get good weather,best regards john [england] 8-)

Berichten: 63
Lid geworden op: 18 okt 2013, 00:49

Re: uk mobylette forum gathering 19/21st june 2015

Ongelezen bericht door moby54 » 25 feb 2018, 04:18

MobyJet schreef:
11 feb 2018, 11:01
Thanks John for inviting us.

I really really want to come someday!

This year isn't possible for me. Hopefully next time, with a group of people from here.

Did you see the topic of our meeting? Save the date!
viewtopic.php?f=18&t=4461 [yes i did see it jet]

Berichten: 6483
Lid geworden op: 04 feb 2010, 19:22
Woonplaats: Rijk van Nijmegen

Re: uk mobylette forum gathering 19/21st june 2015

Ongelezen bericht door MobyJet » 25 feb 2018, 10:03

[yes i did see it jet]
Do you want to come over? 8-)

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